4 C’s of Our Focus
At Solid Rock Church we focus on the journey of life together. We sum it up with 4 C’s and focus it with our values. We encourage you to take a look and participate with us as we live this adventure.  We have listed these in a prayer format so you can use them to pray for you and your church.

1. We Focus on Communicating

Honesty (Ephesians 4:25)
Father help us communicate Honesty.  We want to be real with You Father, real with our Church Family and real with the world about our struggles and victories.

Passion (Colossians 3:23-24)

Father Help us communicate our passion.  Let our excitement and joy for life be fueled    by our belief, and the faith that we have, as we walk daily with our Creator.

Creativity (Deuteronomy 6:5)

Father help us communicate creativity in our lives.  Help us discover the gifts you have    given us and let us use our gifts to express how much we love You.  May everything we  do bring honor and glory to You.

Service (Galatians 5:13-14)

Father help us communicate to those around us Your love through service.  May we help people daily.  Open our eyes to see the needs of those around us and give us the courage to ask and offer our help to show others your love through our actions.

2. We Focus on Connecting

Discipleship (Matthew 4:19-20)

Father help us to connect with one another through discipleship both planned and spontaneous.  Help us to grow together, being fill with the Holy Spirit, so we can be Your  representatives to the world around us.

Teamwork (Hebrews 10:23-25
Father help us to connect with one another as a team.  May we grow together through      common interests for the purposes of learning, praying, encouraging one another, and serving both the church, and our community.

Family (1John 3:1-3)

Father help us connect with one another as a Family.  Show us how to share life together, to accept one another as we are as God grows us into who we will be in Him.

Relationship With God (John 14:23)

Father help us connect with one another in Relationship with You.  May we come to a       greater realization each day of how much You love us, how much you have done for us, how you are working in our lives, and how You want us to impact the world with Your love.

3. We Focus on Contributing

Giving Generously (1 Peter 4:10-11)

Father help us to contribute by giving generously.  Let us all see Your truth that it is our privilege to give back to You our talents, time, giftedness, and finances because You have blessed us richly.

Exuberant Faith (Psalms 112:6-8

Father help us contribute to Your cause through giving us exuberant faith.  May we           fearlessly trust Your loving care for us, because You know what is best for us.  May this faith empower us to live a joyful life, expectant of the future You have for us.

Bold Prayers (Ephesians 6:18)

Father may we contribute through bold prayers.  Enlarge our faith so we know that           nothing is impossible for You.  May we consistently bring our dreams, requests, and needs before You, confident that You will answer.

Lifelong Upgrades (Philippians 3:12-14)

Father may we contribute by growing in our faith in You throughout or entire life.  As You reveal more of Yourself to us, and more of who You created us to be, may we embrace those truths and grow to be more powerful representatives of Your love.

4. We Focus on our Course

Spirit Led (Galatians 5:25)
Father may we focus on our course of being Spirit Led.  May we train our mind, and         spirit to listen to the Holy Spirit.  Help us to do this in times of rest and activity, so we     hear Your voice and act on Your prompting.

Saturated in God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Father may we focus on our course of being saturated in Your Word.  Help us to take       hold of the revelation that the Bible contains the living Words of God.  May we surround ourselves with Your Word, so it penetrates every part of our being and reveals Your truth, love, acceptance, and purpose.

Mission (Matthew 28:18-20)

Father may we focus on our course of mission.  Give us Your life changing power.  Help us realize it is our privilege and honor to share this supernatural adventure with everyone around us, so they may experience it themselves.

Vision (Psalms 139:13-16)
Father may we focus on Your vision for our lives.  Show us how our dreams and passions are Your purposes deposited within us.  Help us to see what You are doing in the present, and how it is preparing us and guiding us into our future in You.  Give us the faith, revelation, and strength to follow the steps You have laid out for us.